Thanks for commenting Nikhil, why do you think that limiting to 10 columns is incorrect?
To be fair, I should clarify, this is approximately 10 unique columns/properties that are particular to that model. Every model in the project has some other "default" properties such as ID, timestamp, etc, that I am not counting here.
The reason I prefer it this way is because in the past, I ended up with gigantic models with dozens of properties that were really hard to understand. I'm not sure if there may be a trade-off in performance, but that's not the bottleneck for my apps.
Regarding NX, I find their documentation to be quite good, you can read more at:
I did some research on monorepos before, trying Lerna, creating my own private npm packages, etc, and I found NX to be the best option in my case.
Hope this helps, and thanks for reading!